6 Tips For Making Your Virtual Meetings More Professional

When you use conferencing software like Skype, Zoom, Teams, or Slack to have a virtual conference with a colleague, hiring manager, or client, that virtual setting becomes part of your personal brand. Your personal brand will feel rough and chaotic if the virtual meetings you organize are beset by technological troubles, substandard audio, and distractions. If you run virtual meetings smoothly, on the other hand, your personal brand will appear polished and professional.

When "meeting" someone digitally, I wanted to give some practical advice on how to develop a memorable and professional personal brand.

Create a Professional Remote Workplace

1. Have adequate lighting

Rooms with low lighting appear unprofessional and outdated. Make sure you have a strong but soft light on your workstation to illuminate your face throughout the video call. I recommend placing two adjustable-intensity and-hue LED desk lamps on either side of your webcam, aimed at your face, so you can change the illumination to match the lighting circumstances and provide uniform lighting on your face. A single big lamp can also suffice.

2. Work in a quiet, carpeted space

When a room is vacant and uncarpeted, the sound might be hollow and echoey, which can be distracting to others. During web conferencing, carpeted areas with soft furnishings produce the greatest audio. If the room from which you're calling doesn't have carpet, even a rug on the floor and some floor pillows can help reduce resonance and provide a warmer sound.

Ensure technical setup is proper

1. Raise your webcam at eye level

During virtual meetings, people often place their laptops on their desks, which causes cameras to be uncomfortably positioned with the camera slanted up. We've all been on calls where you're peering up the other person's nose, which may be a little unsettling (and even menacing). Make sure your webcam is at eye level so that your image looks more realistic as if you were both seated at the same table. 

2. Make sure you have a good microphone

Although the built-in microphone on my MacBook is adequate for everyday use, as someone who routinely records interviews for my podcast, I've found that external microphones sound superior to built-in computer mics in the great majority of circumstances. Even switching to the headphones that come with your phone will provide a more intimate, conversational sound profile if you don't want to invest in an extra desk mic.


Make "Virtual" Meetings Feel Real

1. When speaking, look at the camera rather than the screen

While it takes some getting used to, seasoned professionals who do a lot of web conference calls make it a point to gaze at their webcam rather than their video image when speaking or listening to a specific individual on the call. While staring at someone's image is totally natural (and what we do in person), glancing at your camera makes it appear as if you're looking straight at them, which strengthens the bond. It has a distinct vibe to it, despite its subtlety.

2. Disable notifications

Distracting pop-ups can be avoided by closing unnecessary applications or turning on "Do Not Disturb" if you're using macOS. While you may believe you can simply ignore them, alerts are designed to divert your attention. Worse, you definitely don't want everyone to see that your partner is on their way to the grocery store when you're presenting quarterly sales data if you're screen sharing.


Although virtual meetings appear to be simple, we've all been to ones that went wrong. You can use them to further establish a positive personal brand by treating them as seriously and thoughtfully as actual, in-person meetings. To make your meeting professional, you should own a professional conference camera. Enfokus, is a feature-rich all-in-one camera that helps to naturally and effortlessly capture video conferences. Its 180° camera automatically zooms in and focuses on whoever's speaking, and the smart microphones and speakers isolate speaker audio, creating a high-quality experience for in-office and remote workers. It works with all popular video conferencing services and applications and is easily set up with a USB connection. 

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