Everything You Need to Know About Video Conferencing Cameras

Remote work regulations are growing more flexible, and organizations are allowing for totally remote employment. Employees who are allowed to work from home or at client sites are more productive and save the company money in real estate and other overhead expenditures each year. While remote work arrangements can be advantageous, they frequently necessitate the use of tools and technology to facilitate cooperation and teamwork. 

Using the most recent innovations in video conferencing is one effective method for empowering remote workers to improve productivity and feel like they're part of a cohesive team. A smart camera, as opposed to fixed webcams or audio-only solutions, can make a remote employee or any other distant participant appear as though they are there in the conference.

What is a Smart Video Conferencing Camera?

A basic webcam or video conferencing camera is a single-eye, static device that records video solely from the direction it is pointed. We've all had the awful experience of trying to fit two or three people into view on a single laptop by adjusting our external webcam, tilting a laptop to gain a better perspective, or cramming two or three people into view on a single laptop. By rotating and adjusting its lens to capture motion and sound, a smart video conferencing camera captures video images organically and intuitively.

Here's everything you need to know about smart cameras and how they can help your company deliver exceptional video conferencing experiences.


1. Automatic Recognition

The capacity of a smart video conferencing camera's built-in image sensor to automatically recognize and present the current speaker is a vital feature. Meetings become more natural and productive simply because of this aspect. Your attention would naturally turn to whoever was speaking if you were physically present in the room, and a smart camera mimics this natural behavior.

However, most meetings aren't lectures, and multiple individuals can participate in a conversation. Smart cameras are aware of this and spotlight in-room participation dynamically. Meetings become considerably more natural as a result. More work gets done when the environment is natural and comfortable.

2. Easy setup

Smart video conferencing cameras are also easy to set up. All that is typically required is a simple Bluetooth or USB connection. With simplified use, your team can spend less time prepping devices for a meeting and more time getting work accomplished in the meeting. The best tech is often something that you barely notice, and a good smart camera stays out of the way while enabling an optimal meeting experience.

3. Free-standing speaker and camera

Smart video conferencing cameras are free-standing devices that feature 360-degree lenses and audio components that are often found in conference call speakers. Rather than crowding around one tiny camera or built-in laptop camera, your meeting attendees can comfortably sit in a conference room, or remote location and speak naturally just as if all attendees were in the same room.

With a smart video conferencing camera, your team members can have a more comfortable meeting. There is no need to reposition to make sure that participants are in the field of view since a smart camera scans the room and locks in on speakers when necessary.


More Effective Management

Video conferencing on a regular basis keeps your face tied to your name and improves the effectiveness of text-based directives to overseas branch offices.

But, most crucially, it enables you to form meaningful bonds with your remote workers and partners. Consider how your favorite video podcaster builds a bond with you that makes you feel like you've met someone you've never met. You don't have to be physically there for a meeting in the same huddle room to establish camaraderie thanks to video conferencing. When you travel abroad to visit your branches and suppliers, you'll be more productive since you'll have have developed a rapport that supports straightforward, easy communication.

Improves communication

"Humans process visual information more faster and more accurately than word or music," according to a Forbes research. In addition, "62 percent of executives think that video conferencing greatly improves the quality of communication," when compared to audio conferencing.

Additionally, 50 percent of those polled felt that video conferencing helps understanding." Clear communication is essential for understanding projects, setting expectations, and accomplishing goals, whether you're a tiny business owner or part of a major corporation, which makes video conferencing a win in any case.

Better conference room experiences

Meetings that are productive are the result of a mix of high-quality technology and strong meeting habits. By incorporating video conferencing technology into your meeting rooms, you may improve communication between in-person meeting attendees and remote staff, resulting in a more productive video conference.

Effective video conferencing technologies not only provide a fantastic experience for your own team members, but they also help you make a good impression in front of clients and customers, allowing you to stand out and gain a lasting competitive advantage.


Enfokus, a feature-rich all-in-one camera that helps to naturally and effortlessly capture video conferences. Its 180° camera automatically zooms in and focuses on whoever's speaking, and the smart microphones and speakers isolate speaker audio, creating a high-quality experience for in-office and remote workers. It works with all popular video conferencing services and applications and easily sets up with a USB connection. 

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